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HomeNumérosVol. 35 N° 1

Vol. 35 N° 1 | 2016
Les stratégies, l’engagement et l’ergonomie cognitive comme leviers pour l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues

Volume coordonné par l’ARDAA (Association pour la recherche en didactique de l'anglais et en acquisition)
Strategies, Engagement and Cognitive Ergonomics in Teaching and Learning Languages
Edited by Émilie Magnat and Rebecca Dahm
Titre Vol.35, N°1 RPPLSP

Volume 35 of Teaching and Researching Languages of Specific Purposes (RPPLSP) opens with a number coordinated by Emilie Magnat and Rebecca Dahm from Ardaa (a French association of researchers in the domain of  English learning and acquisition). Emilie Magnat and Rebecca Dahm have elected the questions of "Strategies, Engagement and Cognitive Ergonomics in Teaching and Learning Languages" as a theme for this number. In coherence with the editorial policy of the journal, most of the articles question these issues within the specific realm of Higher Education and adult training. They do so for different languages (English, French and Spanish) and in various contexts such as the French, Canadian or Algerian contexts. This number aptly falls in line with the preceding one on "Success and Failure in LSP" (

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