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HomeNumérosVol. 35 N° 2

Vol. 35 N° 2 | 2016
Pour une formation durable en Lansad

Volume coordonné par l’APLIUT (Association des professeurs de langues des IUT)
Sustainable learning in ESP
Edited by Julie Morère and Linda Terrier
Titre Vol.35, N°2 RPPLSP
ISBN 978-2-8218-5355-3

As applied to language teaching and learning in the ESP, the term "sustainability", a recent neologism, could refer to the desire of each and every teacher, and each every learner involved in language training, to make language learning "sustainable" : more stable and more resistant over time. "Sustainability" implies the idea of a natural capital to be preserved, maintained, restored, managed or developed. Given this definition, how can we think about language teaching and learning in order to promote a sustainable mastery of language skills, in the ESP and beyond? The various articles and pedagogical practice sheets proposed in this issue attempt to start answering this question.

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