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HomeNumérosVol.36 N°2

Vol.36 N°2 | 2017
Jeux et langues dans l’enseignement supérieur

Volume coordonné par l’APLIUT (Association des professeurs de langues des IUT)
Playing and Learning: What are the Stakes in LSP and LAP?
Edited by Anne-Laure Dubrac and Linda Terrier

Following Anne-Laure Dubrac’s presentation during the 2015 Apliut congress, it was decided to question the added-value of « games » for the teaching and learning languages in Higher Education. Digital game-based learning is now emerging as quickly as computer aided language learning emerged in the 1980s. They both challenge pedagogic innovation, that is to say the means by which we try to go beyond the current limitations to our approaches of language learning for developing specific language skills. Number 2, volume 36 of Researching and Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes is hence entitled Games and Languages Learning in Higher Education. Il contains 14 texts, all written with a will to innovate with regards to the teaching and learning of languages for specific purposes in Higher Education.

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